Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Dawn of a New Era

Guess who's thirty today....

That would be THIS GUY.

Apparently, my life has just begun (cool it with the Carpenters, already!), so I'm but a mere child, a wee bairn! I'm loving life right now. Sure everything isn't hunky dorey, but when is it ever? Really? While I realize that this sentiment isn't entirely true, what's ringing in my head right now is Ewan McGregor singing, "All you need is love!" in Moulin Rouge. I suppose I love that movie because it's motto "Freedom! Beauty! Truth! Love!" resonates profoundly with me. Perhaps someday I'll go to France and write something "spectacular! spectacular!" After all, what are the chances of unconscious Argentinians falling through my roof here?

My mother told me that thirty years ago today, she & Dad were on Cloud Nine. They had a boy! I realize this might be hard to imagine, but when I was born, ultrasounds were not so very common - in fact, I don't think we had any idea about whether my younger sisters would actually be sisters until they came. Mom was convinced they'd have another boy, as Amy grew out much the same way I did. But I was fated to have four sisters, and such as it is, I kinda like 'em. They're swell!

One of the curious conversations to manifest itself at my party came along when talking with Amy & Sarah (and others) about some of my earliest memories which all center around Amy's birth. I remember all sorts of random things that happened that week: including Mother snapping at me when I was packing my suitcase for an overnight trip to the Bragg's house. She was herself packing for the hospital, very pregnant, and I was an annoying child asking about every little thing I should take with me. There was the day at the pool with Mrs. Bragg, visiting her parents (the Hostetlers I think), watching TV in their basement, and hitting my head on the car when my dad came to pick me up. It was a busy day. The rest of the week was exciting, mostly because we were eager for Mom to come home with the new baby. I remember going to the hospital to see my new baby sister Amy Elizabeth, in a wheeled metal crib behind a big glass window surrounded by green tile, and trying to say her name for the first time came out "Amy Awblawf." It stuck, and continues to be one of her myriad familial nicknames to this day.... I was three and a half. Later that summer we went to Ohio where I met my Uncle Jack for the first time and rode the log flumes at Geauga Lake with him. He had red hair, and I thought that was cool.

1 comment:

unabridged said...

Hey Andrew. You need some comments here! :o)

I was just reading through your last entries--thanks so much for sharing. I think it's a good idea to be transparent, and it's encouraging to see how the Lord has been working in your life. (Boy, has HE had to work in mine!!!! And I hope He continues!)

As a fellow thirty, I can understand how it does seem like a milestone. But hey, I think that if we work really hard on making 30 positive, perhaps it won't be such a big deal to those coming-uppers.

Glad you were able to have special day(s)!