Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Soundtrack of My Life

So I got tagged by Alison Gray to try this iPod shuffle business. I'm singing the title of this post to "The Colors of My Life" and enjoying the random poignance of the songs that answered each question. Give it a try - it's a good laugh, anyway.

If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
7. When you're finished tag some other people to do it!

Opening Credits:
Huckleberry Finn from Mississippi Suite by Ferde Grofe
Sounds like a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Good animated intro for me.

Waking Up:
An Anthem of Praise (Make a Joyful Noise) - Oregon State University Chorus
A good way to start the day.

First Day of School:
He Promised Me At Parting - Ensemble Radieuse
Light-hearted, naive frivolity. Curious that this is a group of some of my favorite professors from Converse.

Falling in Love:
Das Gestorte Gluck -Schubert - sung by Ian Bostridge
"Frustrated Happiness." I'm serious.

Fight Song:
The Wound Dresser - John Adams - sung by Nathan Gunn
Bleak and dark, and vaguely appropriate.

Breaking Up:
Waltz of the Flowers from Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky
Love is a dance, they say.

Benedictus from Mass by Howells
This dance is brought to you by PROM PROMISE and Pope Benedict.

Cours D'Amour: Circa mea pectora from Carmina Burana by Orff
"In my heart there are many sighs for your beauty, which wound me sorely."

Mental Breakdown:
Lieber Schwarmt by Schubert
Keeping up appearances...

Hark I Hear the Harps Eternal arr. Parker/Shaw performed by Robert Shaw Chorale
Yes, I do listen to this song while driving. It's a rousing and stirring choral romp through Southern Harmony. Or maybe it's from Sacred Harp.

Mariettalied from Die Tote Stadt by Korngold sung by Renee Fleming
Ah... romantic and melancholy... Does anyone else have a big smile on his face?

Getting Back Together:
Coffee Cups & Gossip from The Spitfire Grill (the musical)
"...dirty looks, suspicious eyes!"

Die Junge Nonne by Schubert sung by Janet Baker
"The Young Nun." Irony, anyone?

Birth of Child:
Berceuse Elegiaque by Busoni
Tragic. Or maybe foreboding.

Final Battle :
Scene 9: "Das is mehr als ein Versohnung" from Capriccio by Richard Strauss
Yes, the final battle of my life deals with the eternal controversy of words or music as the more important art.

Death Scene:
In Memoriam L.K.A. 1950-1952 - from Three Auden Songs by Heinrich Henze
Singularly appropriate, I think.

Out Tonight from RENT
"I have to go-oh-oo-oh.... Ah-uuuuuuuut tonight!" YES!!

End Credits:
Pigeon from Vertigo by Jump, Little Children
Love the vocal conterpoint. Perfect.

I tag Lena Belcher, Tim Sherf, Billy Robinson, Brandi Icard, Ericka Tyner, Jason Goelitz, Carla Moebius, Rachel Douglas.

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